Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hospital it is!

Today we went for a growth ultrasound and a check up with Dr. Bonds. During the growth ultrasound we found out the predicted weights of the babies. Paityn's predicted weight is 5 pounds 2 ounces and Conner's predicted weight is 4 pounds 8 ounces. After the growth ultrasound we headed to see Dr. Bonds. I am currently dilated 5cm and my cervix is thinner than last week. She said things are progressing but very slow so she has no idea as to when I will go into labor. With me being 5cm she said she did not feel comfortable sending me back home and having me be so far away from the hospital. She said I would need to be admitted to the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy. Before heading to the hospital Dr. Bonds told me I could go out to eat before having to settle with hospital food everyday. I enjoyed a lovely lunch at Olive Garden!! I think I savored every bite :) Hahaha. After lunch we headed to St. Joseph's and got checked. I am now in my room where I will stay until it is time to head to labor and delivery. Myself and the babies will be monitored everyday to check heartbeats, contractions, etc... Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers sent our way! Love, Casey & Matt


  1. As I have read your blog, "Hospital it is!", I feel such a great comfort knowing that you are now in the hands of really great people to monitor you every minute and how God has truly wrapped his hands around this whole pregnancy! Know that the Good Lord will guide these sweet babies and the wonderful medical staff to take care of your family! Continuing to pray for a happy, healthy, delivery! XOXOXO
    The Mikolajchaks

  2. As to reading this my question is answered.... Glad to hear that the babies weigh sooo much already... A great blessing. I will continue to pray for you and the babies. You are in great hands there and Dr. Bonds is an Amazing Doctor.... COngrats and I will pray that all will go well and safe...

    Bonny and the Kiddos
