Monday, September 5, 2011

10 Months

Wow...I am behind on the post since school has started. On August 28th the twins turned 10 months old. In the last month so much has changed for Paityn and Conner and they have made tremendous growth in only 1 month. Since 9 months until now the twins have become expert crawlers, are pulling up to their knees, have begun drinking from straws, are eating more "real" food, and so much more :) Also, a few days after the twins turned 10 months, Paityn became a Doc Band graduate!!! The before and after changes for her are huge and we are so happy that we decided to get her a Doc Band.
-23 lbs. 14 oz
-likes to spit and play in it
-expert crawler
-screams when excited or mad
-has 5 teeth
-like to pet our dog Harley
-loves to find and get into cords
-laughs or smiles when you tell her "No"
-likes it when you sing to her
-will eat anything

-22 lbs. 10 oz.
-expert crawler
-likes to pull up on your legs
-loves to sneak off into the bathroom
-has 3 teeth
-loves to find and get into cords
-loves iPhone, TV, and the computer
-is a picky eater

1 comment:

  1. Where has the time gone? They are adorable! Guess what?!?! It is time to start planning for their 1st birthdays! :)
    XOXO, Tracy
