Wednesday, June 29, 2011

8 Months

Yesterday Paityn and Conner turned 8 months old! Time has been flying by and we are enjoying our summer with me being at home. It is so nice to stay home with the babies and see them grow and change everyday. Although I love teaching, I sure could do this everyday all day :)

Paityn-8 Months
-22 1bs 12 oz.
-says and babbles Mama and Baabaa
-reaches to be pick up
-has 2 teeth (bottom)
-sits supported but moves all the time so she falls over
-rolls everywhere
-loves to eat her toes
-is fascinated by tags or straps 
-bites the spoon when you feed her or tries to hold it
-loves to stick out her tongue
-laughs when you tickle her
-plays with her bottle and bites the nipple
-likes to touch peoples faces

Conner-8 Months
-20 lbs 6 oz.
-occasionally reaches to be picked up
-babbles all the time
-sits all by himself
-loves to eat his fingers and drools constantly
-holds his own bottle
-laughs all the time
-is ticklish
-fake coughs
-likes to be cuddled
-finally is rolling over..but only if he wants to
-still has 0 teeth...but we think they will be coming in soon
-loves our dogs...he will sit and laugh and pet them
-loves T.V.

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