Thursday, June 28, 2012

20 Months

Today the twins turned 20 is hard to believe that in only 4 month Paityn and Conner will be 2. Its sad to think about not saying how old they are in months anymore. Having two 20 month olds is a wonderful thing but also has many challenges. The most recent challenge is when the twins test Matt and I to see how far they can push our buttons. For example, we recently got a new coffee table and Paityn and Conner want to climb up on top of it and sit. We tell them "No" and take them off. After a few more times of the same thing...they end up in time out. Then 5 minutes later they watch you as they slowly raise their leg to see what you are going to do. This is just one of the many ways they test us! LOL However there are many great things too! Matt and I are just so amazed at the things the twins do now and more and more we are continuing to say we can't believe how big they are getting! Here is what they are up to at 20 months... Paityn -Repeats everything you say -Sings to her babies -Love to call for Harley and Milo -Says up to a 3 word sentences -Loves to dance -Says "More" in sign language and words -Still definitely a Daddy's girl -Eats anything and everything -Not much of a milk drinker -We call her Little Mother Hen because she is always making sure things are taken care of -Still hates to wear shoes -Screams when you fix her hair -Loves to read books Conner -Is beginning to talk more but doesn't say much that we can understand -Still says "More" in sign language but now tries to say it with words -Very much a Mommy's boy -Studies everything very closely -Likes to chase the dogs -Has become a picky eater -Loves milk... he could drink it all day long -Can climb into his high chair -Climbs into the car and gets in his seat by himself -Listens when told to "stay" while outside...while Paityn runs away LOL -Loves to play in the sand and dump things -Still chews his lovey or blankie to go to sleep -Loves to swing Things Paityn and Conner Both Do -Can find their hair, ears, nose, eyes, mouth, hands, tummy, knees, feet, and toes -Says animal sounds for dog, cat, cow, horse, duck, sheep, chicken -Love to help Mommy cook and play with their play food, cups, plates, etc. -Love to be outside -Make kiss kiss sounds -Love to climb the dog stairs and play on Mommy and Daddy's bed -Love to feed the dogs their food -Could eat fruit all day -Like to help you brush their teeth

1 comment:

  1. It was interesting to hear that Conner doesn't talk as much as Paityn, because all of Brazos's little girl friends talk up a storm and he's just now starting to say three to four word sentences at 2 1/2 years old. Sounds like Conner and Brazos enjoy a lot of the same things. I can't believe your kids are going to be 2 years old! I don't even remember them turning 1!
