Saturday, September 18, 2010

An Unexpected Field Trip....

Lets just begin by saying it is very nice to be home after being at the hospital for almost 2 days! The story begins on Thursday...As previously posted we went to a checkup with the doctor on Tuesday and all was well. Since our appointment I had been a little sore and just assumed it was from our check up on Tuesday. The mild pain continued and it seemed a little worse on Thursday so Matt told me to call the doctor. Next thing I know, the nurse calls back and says that Dr. Bonds said to go to St. Josephs, check in the ER, and I would be escorted to Labor and Delivery. She said everything is probably fine and I would just be checked out to make sure. So thinking everything was fine and we would  get checked out and then come home later that night we had no plans for our dogs and no hospital bag packed but now will definitely be packing one this weekend just in case.

We arrive at the ER about 6:15 p.m....finally get checked in and make it to Labor and Delivery about 7:00 p.m. After settling in our room, I then get hooked up to heart beat monitors for each baby and a contraction monitor. I originally was having mild, inconsistent contractions, which is normal. After 2 nurses they said I am dilated 2 cm and 50% effaced (which is what I have been each week at my doctor's appt.)

Next thing I know, after about 15 minutes I tell Matt to come look at the monitors because I was beginning to feel pain and contractions. At this point we both began to get very nervous and scared. So many things were running through our heads.  We were very scared because my contractions went from being mild and not regular to 2 minutes apart lasting about 50-60 seconds each. The nurses called the doctor and decided that I would get some shots to stop the contractions and get steroid shots to help develop the babies lungs. So after 2 shots to stop the contractions and the first steroid shot the contractions stopped. I had to be monitored a few more hours and then was moved to another room to stay the night. We had to wait 24 hours after the first steroid shot to receive the second one which would not be until 8:30 p.m. Friday night.

Matt was such a trooper on his couch all night :)
 Finally, we were moved to another room about 11:45 p.m. Thursday night. My doctor came in to see us about 8:15 a.m. Friday morning. She said that she was happy that my cervix had not changed and that the contractions were caused by the nurses over stimulating my cervix and she would not consider it to be early labor since the 2 shots stopped them so quickly. She said she was glad that things were back to normal and I will go back in for my weekly visit on Tuesday. So we laid around the hospital all day yesterday and finally got released about 9:00 p.m. last night. It felt so good to be home!

So after an eventful Thursday and Friday...we are now back home and things are back to normal. We definitely said several prayers and are glad everything is ok. We are also very thankful for Matt's sister, Shannon, who took the dogs out for us and cleaned up our house :) It was nice to come home to a clean house, and to my sister, Shannon, who also took the dogs out for us and fed them while we were gone.

Thank you for all of the continuous prayers, support, and meals that have been sent our way :) We feel very blessed to have such amazing family and friends! 


  1. So glad you and babies are doing good. I know how those shots feel. We had the steriod shots many times. Good luck!!

  2. I so happy that you are doing ok, and so proud of Matt. You guys are doing amaxing and if you need anything at all. Just call! All our Love. Karen and Thad.

  3. I am so glad to hear everything is okay!
    I hope everything continues to go smoothly, and those babies hold out longer :)
